The objective is to provide the opportunity to discuss and promote topical empirical research related to all areas of monetary economics. Some particularly relevant topics are:
- Inflation dynamics, commodity prices and inflation expectations
- The identification of the transmission channels of monetary policy
- The role of heterogeneity for monetary policy transmission
- Monetary policy, financial stability and macroprudential policies
- Central bank balance sheet policies and quasi-fiscal monetary policies
- Monetary policy and transition risks related to climate change
- Central bank communication strategies
The workshop will include two keynote speakers Anna Cieslak (Duke University) and Giorgio Primiceri (Northwestern University).
Tuesday 12 December
8h30–9h Welcome Coffee
9h–10h30 Session 1
- Malin Hu (Vanderbilt University), with I. Agarwal, R. Roman, K. Zheng
Lending by Servicing: Monetary Policy Transmission through Shadow Banks
- Pascal Paul (San Francisco Fed), with D. Greenwald, J. Krainer
Monetary Transmission through Bank Securities Portfolios
10h30–11h Coffee break
11h–12h Keynote speaker: Anna Cieslak (Duke University), with M. McMahon Tough Talk: The Fed and the Risk Premium
12h–14h Lunch (on invitation only)
14h–15h30 Session 2
- Michael Ehrmann (European Central Bank), with P. Gnan, K. Rieder
Central Bank Communication by ??? The Economics of Public Policy Leaks
- Evgenia Passari (Université Paris Dauphine-PSL), with D. Malliaropulos, F. Petroulakis
Unpacking Commodity Price Swings: Reading the News to Understand Inflation
15h30–16h Coffee break
16h–17h30 Session 3
- Paul Bouscasse (Sciences Po), with S. Hong
Monetary-Fiscal Interactions in the United States
- Marco Garofalo (Bank of England)
Granular monetary policy
Wednesday 13 December
8h30–10h Session 4
- Lena Boneva (Swiss National Bank), with J. Jensen, S. Weidner
The Impact of Monetary Policy and Lender-of-Last-Resort Announcements on the Treasury Market
- Dorian Henricot (Banque de France/ECB), with M. Elsayed, J. Idier, T. Piquard
Habitat sweet habitat: the heterogeneous effects of Eurosystem asset purchase programs
10h–10h30 Coffee break
10h30–12h Session 5
- Gert Peersman (Ghent University), with E. Castelnuovo, L. Mori
Commodity Prices and Global Cycles: Monetary Policy Matters
- Dmitriy Sergeyev (Bocconi University), with W. Miyamoto, T. Nguyen
How Oil Shocks Propagate: Evidence on the Monetary Policy Channel
12h–14h Lunch (on invitation only)
14h–15h30 Session 6
- Sebastian Graves (Federal Reserve Board), with C. Huckfeldt, E. Swanson
The Labor Demand and Labor Supply Channels of Monetary Policy
- Magnus Gulbrandsen (Norges Bank), with A. Fagereng, M. Holm, G. Natvik
Fisher Effects, Monetary Policy, and Household Indebtedness
15h30–16h Coffee break
16h–17h Keynote speaker: Giorgio Primiceri (Northwestern University), with F. Bilbiie, A. Tambalotti Inequality and Business Cycles
- Christophe Blot (Sciences Po - OFCE & Université Paris-Nanterre)
- Paul Hubert (Banque de France & Sciences Po - OFCE)
Scientific Committee
- Refet Gürkaynak (Bilkent University & CEPR)
- Fabien Labondance (Université de Franche-Comté)
- Céline Poilly (Université d’Aix-Marseille & CEPR)
- Giovanni Ricco (Polytechnique & CEPR)
- Urszula Szczerbowicz (Banque de France)
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