International banking activities

The Banque de France monitors the activity of French banks carrying out international operations as part of its contribution to the Bank for International Settlements' (BIS) international banking statistics.

Balance of payments

The balance of payments describes economic exchanges between France and other countries. The international investment position shows the net assets or liabilities of French residents relative to the rest of the world.



Statistical monitoring of climate risks and opportunities.

National financial accounts

The national financial accounts provide a complete overview of the savings and financing of the French economy.

Economic climate

 A complete assessment of the economy, by sector and region, compiled from economic surveys and consisting of indicators and forecasts.

Lending and debt securities

 An insight into the financial behaviour of economic actors: credit supply and demand in the business and household sectors, methods of financing, etc.


As part of its various activities with businesses, the Banque de France monitors business failures.


An overview of the investment behaviour of economic actors and how their savings are used to finance the economy.

Financial inclusion

 The Banque de France publishes data on the national schemes that it manages, including the overindebtedness procedure, the right to a bank account procedure and the payment incident registers. One of the indicators that it publishes is the financial inclusion barometer, which shows monthly trends in people seeking financial information and help.


 To contribute to the Eurosystem’s primary objective of price stability, the Banque de France relies not only on economic assessments but also on the analysis of money: banknotes and coins in circulation, components of the M3 monetary aggregate, etc.

Rates and prices

Reference rates

The Banque de France is responsible for calculating the benchmark or reference rates used as a basis for usury rates, interest rates and regulated savings rates.

French Lombard rate

 The French Lombard rate used by the Banque de France is based on Article L. 145-40 of the French Commercial Code, which states that "rent paid in advance, regardless of the form it takes, and even as a guarantee, shall bear interest for the tenant, at the Lombard rate used by the Banque de France, for sums in excess of that corresponding to the price of the rent of more than two terms". The method for calculating the Lombard rate is set out in the Decision of the Governor of 8 July 2005.

Policy rates
Legal interest rates
Exchange rates (trading floor)

Euro foreign exchange reference rates: these are published by the ECB and show the last 5 exchange rates (daily, monthly or end-of-month) quoted for the euro against the principal foreign currencies (including those of European countries).
Other exchange rates: these are calculated at the end of the month using available data. They are published for information purposes only and are not official reference rates.
Click on the column headings to access the full data series (since 1999).
Euro contre les principales devises dont les pays européens

Interbank rates
Interbank rates
Bond indices
Zero-coupon rates
Gold prices
Usury rates
Regulated savings rates

Negotiable debt securities

The Banque de France’s statistical releases on the NEU CP – NEU MTN market provide aggregate data on outstanding commercial paper and medium-term notes issued before and after the 2016 reform.

Updated on 1 October 2024