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Monthly notes on the commercial paper and medium-term note market


Outils statistique

Copyright: Unless otherwise stipulated, the use and reproduction of data from the above-listed publications and studies is authorised, provided that the source is mentioned.

Disclaimer concerning statistical data on commercial paper and medium-term notes (NEU CP and NEU MTN) posted by the Banque de France

In accordance with Article D. 213-14 of the French Monetary and Financial Code, the Banque de France publishes on its website statistical information on commercial paper and medium-term notes. This information is produced using data communicated to the Banque de France by issuers (via their issuing and paying agent or IPA) in accordance with the reporting requirements set forth in the Monetary and Financial Code.

This statistical information is for market transparency purposes only and its disclosure does not constitute the publication by the Banque de France of a reference rate. The Banque de France shall not be held liable in the event this information is used for valuation purposes.

The Banque de France endeavours to obtain the most accurate and reliable information possible from issuers (via their IPA) and hence to publish up-to-date statistical information on its website. However, the Banque de France is not responsible for the quality of the information communicated to it. The Banque de France discloses this information without making any selection in terms of issuance and related risks (issuers, issuance programme or rating agencies chosen by the issuer).

Use of statistical data on commercial paper and medium-term notes (NEU CP and NEU MTN) posted by the Banque de France

The data and documents posted on the Banque de France’s website may be reused free of charge by its users under the following conditions.

  • Data and documents that are merely reproduced, copied, published, sent, disclosed, redistributed, or incorporated or combined into other materials shall not be altered. Their meaning shall not be changed. The date of their most recent update, as well as their source and author shall be mentioned. Moreover, these elements shall be displayed in a legible manner.
  • Users may mention the source of the data and documents by inserting a hypertext link to the Banque de France's website. In this case, the browser shall display the website as a full page view (the Banque de France's website shall not appear as part of another page).
  • Data and documents derived from the data and documents on the Banque de France’s website shall be displayed as such.
  • The user shall not misrepresent or change the data, their source, their author and the date when they were last updated.

In the event of any dispute arising from the interpretation of these conditions, subject to French law and not amicably resolved, the matter shall be brought before Paris competent courts. 

Updated on the 28th of June 2024