What is digital accessibility ?

The site has been designed to be accessible to as many users as possible.

This means that all users must be able to access all the site's content without being hindered by any physical or cognitive disability, hardware or connection performance.

In order to be accessible and compatible with different browsing methods (keyboard only browsing, mouse only browsing), as well as for people with disabilities who use specialised software or hardware (voice reader, Braille display) or who need to customise the site's display (font enlargement, contrast adjustment), the Banque de France has begun the process of complying with the Référentiel Général d'Accessibilité pour les Administrations (RGAA).

Navigation help

This page is designed to help you use the site.


Browser compatibility

This site follows the recommendations made by the W3C and is HTML 5 and CSS3 compatible.

The site is designed for :

  • Chrome version 73 or higher ;
  • Firefox version 60.6.1esr or higher ;
  • Internet Explorer version 11.0 or higher.


Quick access menu

When navigating with the keyboard, a menu for quick access to the main areas of pages (contents, search, navigation) appears first.

Tab navigation

You can navigate from one link to another using the "Tab" key (press the "Tab" key and repeat until you select the desired link, then confirm with the "Enter" key).

Back to homepage

Click on the BANQUE DE FRANCE logo to return to the homepage.

Main navigation menu

The menu at the top of each page is divided into 7 main sections (spaces) :

  • Home
  • Monetary strategy
  • Financial stability
  • Economy
  • Statistics
  • Banknotes
  • Conferences and media

Breadcrumb trail

A breadcrumb trail is displayed at the top of each page to help you find your way through the site's tree and back to the section's home page.

Return to top of page

At the bottom of the screen you'll find a "Back to top" link, allowing you to quickly return to the main menu and navigation path.

Navigation by heading

Most assistive technologies and browsers facilitate navigation by heading.

Most screen readers provide a feature for jumping to the next heading, for example :

  • pressing "H" takes you to the next heading ;
  • pressing "1" takes you to the next level 1 heading ;
  • pressing "2" key takes you to the next level 2 heading.

Pressing "Insert" + "F6" displays a list of headings, which can be sorted in tabular or alphabetical order.

Compatibility with different screen types

The entire site has been built using responsive design so it adapts to all screen sizes : smartphone and tablet.

Colours and images

The site offers sufficiently high colour contrasts for easy reading, as well as alternative texts to images and animations.

Footer menu

The footer menu provides access to additional pages grouped under the following headings :

  • Banque de France intranet
  • Legal information / Contact us
  • Help
  • Accessibility
  • Site map

Font size enlargement

Sur la totalité des pages du site, vous avez la possibilité d’agrandir la taille des caractères.

On PC :

  • press Ctrl + to enlarge the font size.
  • Press Ctrl - to reduce the font size.
  • Press these keys repeatedly to increase or decrease the font size in increments.
  • Note also that Ctrl + 0 (the number "zero") returns you to the default text size.

On Mac : simply replace the Ctrl key with Cmd to perform the same actions.

Navigation au clavier

This site has been designed to allow keyboard navigation on all pages.

In most cases, simply use the Tab key on your keyboard to navigate successively from one clickable element to another within the page.

Conversely, if you wish to go backwards, use the Shift + Tab key combination.


If you are a keyboard user, you can print any page on the site by accessing the desired page and simultaneously pressing Ctrl + P on your keyboard if you are using a PC, or Cmd + P if you are using a Mac.

Content pages also feature a link to print directly from the page.

Changing contrast settings in System Preferences

Windows 7 et Windows 10

The Windows system allows you to activate the high-contrast display.

To enable or disable high contrast using the keyboard :

  1. press Left Alt + Left Shift + Print Screen,
  2. then select yes or no.

In Windows 10, you can activate high contrast from the login screen :

  • Select the Ergonomics Options button on the login screen, then High Contrast.


The Mac OS system lets you set display options.

To access these options, go to System Preferences > Accessibility > Display.

Updated on the 11th of October 2023