The NEU CP market

The NEU CP market


Reform of the NEU CP – NEU MTN market

Regulatory texts

Main features of NEU CP – NEU MTN

Reporting of data on NEU CP – NEU MTN

List of issuers

Access the NEU CP – NEU MTN market and update information memorandum

Statistics and studies


Reform of the commercial paper and medium-term note market

Under the guidance of the Comité Place de Paris 2020, the legal framework for the commercial paper and medium-term note market was modernised on 1 June 2016, in line with European regulations and international standards.

Further to these changes, and in compliance with the French Monetary and Financial Code, securities issued since this date are referred to as titres négociables à court terme and titres négociables à moyen terme. Their trade name is NEU CP (Negotiable EUropean Commercial Paper) for short-term programmes, and NEU MTN (Negotiable EUropean Medium Term Notes) for medium-term programmes. They can be referred to by either their trade or legal name.

Securities issued up to 31 May 2016 under the previous legal name of bons à moyen terme négociables will continue to exist until maturity.

Regulatory texts governing the NEU CP – NEU MTN market

Article L213-0-1 of the Monetary and Financial Code

Articles L213-0-1 to L213-4-1 of the Monetary and Financial Code which define issuing conditions for all categories of issuers

Articles D213-0-1 to D213-14 of the Monetary and Financial Code which define issuing conditions for all categories of issuers

which were amended by Order No. 2016-707 of 30 May 2016 on the negotiable debt securities reform

Order of 30 May 2016 on negotiable debt securities reform

Decision No. 2012-01 of 02/07/12 of the Governor of the Banque de France, amended by Decision No. 2016-04 of 31 May 2016 and Decision No. 2024-02 of 21 March 2024 concerning the Banque de France's duties with regard to the negotiable debt securities market.

Articles 322-46 to 322-49 of Sub-section 3 of the Unique Section of Chapter 1, Title II, Book III of the General Regulations of the Autorité des Marchés Financiers setting out the rules applicable to domiciliation institutions.

Main features of NEU CP and NEU MTN

To be admitted for trading on the NEU CP-NEU MTN market, securities must meet the criteria set out in the regulations governing the commercial paper and medium-term note market.

NEU CP and NEU MTN can be posted as collateral in Eurosystem refinancing operations, provided they also meet all of the criteria applicable to marketable assets.

The Banque de France and European Central Bank (ECB) publish a daily list of marketable assets eligible for Eurosystem refinancing operations.The list of eligible marketable assets for Eurosystem refinancing operations is published daily by the Banque de France and the European Central Bank.

Reporting of data on NEU CP and NEU MTN

With the digitalisation of market access, issuing and paying agents (IPAs) in the commercial paper and medium-term note market are now required to submit data via the NEUSGATE application, which is accessible via the OneGate portal.

The Banque de France will provide details of the data to be submitted, its format, the rules governing its management and how it should be transmitted.

Attempted fraud under the guise of a fake IPA

Issuers of NEU CP and NEU MTN are warned of a new type of scam where the fraudster pretends to be their issuing and paying agent (IPA) and tricks them into replacing their IPA’s IBAN in their computer system with that of the fraudster. To avoid this scam, issuers are invited to communicate only with their usual contacts at their IPA.

Implementation of the ECB pandemic emergency purchase programme (PEPP)

On March 18 2020, the ECB announced the launch of a temporary pandemic emergency purchase programme (PEPP) including the purchase of commercial corporate paper, notably NEU CP. The programme was implemented as of 27 March and is still ongoing.

The programme was part of the corporate sector purchase programme (CSPP), which was one of the components of quantitative easing. The eligibility criteria, determined by the Eurosystem, were therefore the same as those used for the CSPP, with the exception of the maturity of assets (initial maximum maturity of one year; residual maturity of at least 28 days) and the minimum size of the issue (€10 million).

With this programme, the Eurosystem aimed to make it easier for issuers to obtain financing in this market segment.

Website users are invited to read the general terms and conditions for the use of information related to negotiable debt securities

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Furthermore, the information provided by this website, in particular that presented in the form of aggregated data, shall under no circumstances be interpreted as investment or any other sort of advice (including, without limitation, professional, legal or investment advice). No person using this website shall act on the basis of this information without having first checked it and, where appropriate, obtained professional advice. The Banque de France shall not be held liable for any misinterpretation of the published information.

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NEU CP and NEU MTN from A to Z


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For questions regarding market access

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For questions regarding the reporting of issuance programmes and publications

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For questions regarding the eligibility of assets as collateral for Eurosystem refinancing operations

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Banque de France

Direction générale de la Stabilité financière et des Opérations (DGSO)
Direction de la Mise en œuvre de la politique monétaire (DMPM)
S2B-1134 Service des Titres de créances négociables (STCN)

À l'attention du chef de service
39 rue Croix des Petits Champs
75049 PARIS CEDEX 01

More information

Access the market and update an information memorandum

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Statistics and studies on commercial paper and medium-term notes

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Reporting procedures

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Access the market and update an information memorandum

Outils statistique

Statistics and studies on commercial paper and medium-term notes

Outils statistique

Reporting procedures

Outils statistique

Updated on 1 August 2024