Statistical monitoring of climate risks and opportunities.
In order to meet the need for a consolidated view of labelling in France, the Banque de France has set up a database listing all mutual funds labelled by the bodies representing the labels (CIES label, Finansol label, Greenfin label, SRI label, Relance label), three of which aim to promote sustainable investment (SRI label, Finansol label and Greenfin label).
For more information on these labels, go to the Investment Funds page, and read Eco Notepad blog post No. 311: Are SRI-certified funds greener?
In the framework of the ESCB Statistics Committee, the Banque de France, together with the ECB and the national central banks, has developed new statistical indicators to analyse the risks and opportunities related to the climate transition. These indicators cover:
They are intended to provide input for analyses from two perspectives: the "carbon emissions financed" by the financial sector, and the financial sector’s exposure to counterparties whose economic activity is emission-intensive.
The development of these statistics - some of which are initially published as experimental indicators or analytical indicators (i.e. made available for research purposes) - will support the integration of these risk measures into actions taken in the fields of monetary policy, the financial system and climate transition.
The presentation and the first report on these climate change indicators are available on the ECB website: Climate change-related indicators (
Updated on 28 June 2024