International banking statistics
The regulatory framework for the collection of banking statistics is set out in Decision of the Governor 2021-01 of 21 April 2021.
These quarterly statistical series provide a geographical breakdown of French banks’ assets and liabilities. They show outstanding amounts in US dollars (USD). Data are presented in two different formats:
Locational banking statistics (LBS). These statistics are based on the standard balance of payments criterion of country of residence. They show the assets and liabilities of banks resident in France, broken down by the country of residence, currency and sector of the counterparty.
The statistics can be found on the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) website.
Consolidated banking statistics (CBS)
These statistics show:
The objective of the so-called "Yoshikuni" survey is to compile comprehensive information on the size and structure of global over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives markets. Statistics collected are the notional amounts and the gross market value of outstanding positions in foreign exchange, interest rate, equity, commodity and credit derivatives. These data are key to monitor changes in the different market segments.
The statistics can be found on the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) website.
The Triennial Central Bank Survey of Foreign Exchange and OTC Derivatives Markets is an international survey coordinated by the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) and conducted with the participation of 53 central banks and monetary authorities.
The survey consists of two parts:
Main results of the last Triennial Central Bank Survey of Foreign Exchange and OTC Derivatives Markets, conducted in April 2022
Paris maintained its position in foreign exchange and interest rate derivatives markets:
Eco Notepad, blog post No. 289
The changes and updates made to the 2022 survey template compared with the 2019 edition are indicated in the excel file.
The survey collects data on the size and structure of the foreign exchange and OTC derivatives markets. Its aim is to improve market transparency and to provide central banks and participants with greater insight into its characteristics.
Updated on the 11th of March 2024