Declaration of conformity

The declaration of conformity for the Banque de France website was drawn up on 24 January 2023.

The version of the RGAA used to perform the tests was version 4.1.

The Banque de France is committed to making its internet sites accessible in accordance with Article 47 of Law No. 2005-102 of 11 February 2005.

To this end, it is implementing the following strategy and actions:

•    Multi-year digital accessibility plan 2023
•    Actions carried out in 2019-2023 [currently being consolidated]
•    2020-2023 action plan [in progress]

Conformity status

The Banque de France (/) website is not compliant with the Référentiel Général d’Amélioration de l’Accessibilité, RGAA version 4.1, due to the non-conformities listed in the “Test results” section.

Technologies used to create the site

•    HTML5
•    CSS
•    JavaScript
•    Content management tool: Drupal

User agents and assistive technologies used to check content accessibility

The web page tests were carried out on a virtual machine, as the site was only accessible in a controlled environment. Due to technical constraints, no tests were carried out using screen readers.

•    Edge 108

The site’s accessibility was tested using manual tests, assisted by tools (dedicated CSS sheets, contrast measurement tools).

Site pages tested for conformity

The tested sample comprised 13 pages:

•    Accueil (/fr)
•    Glossaire (/fr/glossaire)
•    Page 404 (/fr/la-page-est-introuvable)
•    Actualités et événements (/fr/node/172)
•    Liste des interventions (/fr/gouverneur)
•    Gouvernance (/fr/node/169)
•    Page froide (/fr/t05-h1-une-institution-de-confiance)
•    Page Article (/fr/t04-2-dinflation-cest-un-peu-la-temperature-dequilibre-de-leconomie)
•    Tous les événements (/fr/node/231)
•    Particuliers (/fr/t03-particuliers-vous-orienter-dans-vos-demarches-et-difficultes-financieres)
•    Espace Presse (/fr/espace-presse/espace-presse)
•    Plan du site (/fr/site-map)
•    Résultats de recherche (/fr/recherche?title=finance)

Test results

A compliance audit carried out by the company Access42. Banque de France has corrected some of the elements reported so that the site is 70.91% compliant with RGAA version 4.1. This estimate and full test results will be reviewed at the next Access42 compliance audit.

Feedback and contact

It is important to remember that under article 11 of the law of February 2005:

The Banque de France undertakes to use all necessary means to provide access, within a reasonable timeframe, to the information and functions sought by disabled persons, regardless of whether the content is subject to an exemption.


Disabled persons are entitled to compensation for the consequences of their disability, regardless of the origin and nature of their impairment, their age or their lifestyle.

The Banque de France invites people who encounter difficulties to contact it so that assistance can be provided (accessible alternative, information and content given in another form). : Contact form


Defender of rights

If you notice a lack of accessibility preventing you from accessing content or a function on the site, and you report this to us but are unable to obtain a response from us, you are entitled to send your complaint or submit a claim to the Defender of Rights.

You can do this in several ways:

  • by filling in a contact form
  • by consulting the list of representative(s) in your region and contacting them directly
  • by telephone: 09 69 39 00 00
  • by post (free postage): Le Défenseur des droits - Libre réponse 71120 - 75342 Paris CEDEX 07.

Updated on 23 January 2024