The Banque de France chairs four main observatories: the Observatoire de la sécurité des moyens de paiement (OSMP – Observatory for the Security of Payment Means); the Observatoire de l’inclusion bancaire (OIB – Observatory for Banking Inclusion); the Observatoire des délais de paiement (ODP – Observatory for Payment Times); and the Observatoire du financement des entreprises (OFE – Observatory for Company Financing).

The Bank is also the secretariat for the Comité consultatif du secteur financier (CCSF – Consultative Committee on Financial Legislation and Regulation) which, since 2010, has had an Observatoire des tarifs bancaires (Observatory for Banking Fees).

All five observatories produce annual reports on their activities, describing the main developments in their field.

The OSMP report is available in English. All other reports are available in French only and can be accessed on the French Banque de France website.

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Updated on 30 May 2024