A broad overview of lending to businesses and individuals
Bank lending is at the heart of the money creation mechanism: monitoring developments in bank lending to businesses and households is key to the definition of the monetary policy stance and its conduct.
In France, bank lending is monitored via the following four channels: the lending activity reflected in banks' balance sheets, loans (beyond a given threshold) reported by banks to the Central Credit Register, a regional census among 300 banks that are members of the French Banking Federation and a quarterly survey among businesses on their access to loans (new loans, etc.).
Financing of enterprises is measured respectively by the data collected from banking institutions and by the opinion survey carried out by the banking network among businesses on their access to loans.
Following the new editorial line for certain Stat Info publications published in November 2022, the new Stat Info "Financing of firms " is the result of the merger of Stat Info "Loans to NFCs", "Financing of micro-enterprises", "Loans by size of firms", “Debt of non-financial corporations” and "Corporate loan rates". It thus brings together debt statistics in the form of loans and debt securities and their breakdown by size and by sector of activity, as well as the related rates.
The discontinued Stat Info published in the new publication can be consulted on the statistics publications pages, as well as the associated Webstat series, which continue to be updated.
The former Stat Info publications that have been discontinued for more than three years can still be consulted.
Following the editorial line of November 2022 for Stat Info publications, the Stat Info "Loans to individuals" is enriched on a quarterly basis by the Stat Info statistics on "Consumer loans".
The Stat Info "Consumer loans" can be consulted on the publications and statistics page, as well as the associated Webstat series, which continue to be updated.
A very detailed overview of housing loans (new loans, lending rates and European comparisons) completes the analysis of households’ access to loans since December 2022.
The financial centralisation of deposits and loans records, on a conventional basis, the transactions processed by approximately 300 banks that are members of the French Banking Federation, on behalf of their (resident and non-resident) non-financial customers. Neither finance companies nor specialised financial institutions participate in this centralisation.
Centralisation is based on the geographical location of the branches that process the transactions and is aggregated by département in mainland France.
Changes in data from one month to the next may reflect changes in the banking networks, as well as the securitisation of certain loans.
An opinion survey has been carried out on a quarterly basis since end-2002 among a sample of credit institutions in France and the rest of the euro area. It analyses banks' lending policies vis-à-vis the euro area non-financial sector.
Updated on the 1st of March 2024