Jean-Charles Bricongne

Deputy Director of Business Surveys, Microeconomic and Structural Analysis

Jean-Charles Bricongne is currently Deputy Director of the Business Surveys, Microeconomic and Structural Analysis Directorate, and was previously Deputy Director of the International Economics and Cooperation Directorate. He is a graduate of the Ecole Centrale Paris and Sciences Po Paris, and holds a PhD from Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne University/Paris School of Economics. He previously worked as a seconded national expert on internal imbalances at the European Commission (DG ECFIN), focusing especially on credit and housing. Prior to that, he was adviser to the Banque de France’s Director General Economics and Research, Head of a unit in charge of trade and competitiveness, and a seconded expert on monetary and financial issues at the French statistical institute (INSEE). He has been a Senior Lecturer at Sciences Po Paris, Professor at Paris Dauphine University and Associate Professor at the Universities of Tours and Orléans. He is currently Associate Professor at Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne University. He is an associate and affiliate researcher at LEO (Laboratoire d'Economie d'Orléans) and LIEPP (Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire d'Evaluation des Politiques Publiques, connected to Sciences Po Paris) respectively. He has written on various topics in applied trade analysis, globalisation statistics, financial macroeconomics, housing, migration, high-frequency indicators, the implementation of data-science techniques in economics, and the links between the financial and real economy.


  • PhD from Paris I University: Essays on the links between the real and financial spheres in the international economy with a special focus on the crisis
  • Research Master in Money, Banking and Finance at Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne University
  • Agrégation in economics and management
  • Ecole nationale de la statistique et de l’administration économique (ENSAE)
  • Certificate of Upper Specialized Studies: Economic Calculation & Macroeconomic Policy
  • IEP Paris (“Sciences Po Paris”)
  • Ecole CENTRALE Paris

Current Position

Deputy Director of Business Surveys, Microeconomic and Structural Analysis

Previous Position

  • BANQUE DE FRANCE  (International Economics and Cooperation Directorate), Deputy Director (2019-2021)
  • EUROPEAN COMMISSION (Macroeconomic imbalances and adjustment unit), Seconded national expert (economic impact of structural reforms and imbalances surveillance) (2014-2018)
  • BANQUE DE FRANCE (Directorate General Economics and International relations)
  • Adviser to the Director General (2012-2014)
  • BANQUE DE FRANCE (Competitiveness and Foreign Trade Research Division), Head of Division (2009-2012)
  • INSEE (National Statistical Institute) (Division in charge of the analysis of the economic situation), In charge of Monetary and Financial Affairs. Also member of the Macroeconomics Team of CREST (Statistical and Economics Research Centre) (2007-2009)
  • BANQUE DE FRANCE (Division in charge of national financial accounts)
  • Head of the entity (7 agents) in charge of the National Quarterly Financial Accounts, the MUFA (Monetary Union Financial Accounts) and GFS (Government Finance Statistics) Working Groups at the ECB, 2004-2007)
  • BANQUE DE FRANCE (Monetary Statistics & National Financial Accounts DIvisions), Economist Statistician, in charge of the analysis of monetary developments in France and in the euro area, then Prohect Head for the National Quarterly Financial Accounts (2001-2004)

Research Interest

International economics, Housing, Macro-financial issues / intermediation, Data-science and economics, High-frequency indicators, History and economics


Academic Publications

  • 2023 Journal of International Economics (forthcoming), Productivity Slowdown and Tax Havens: where is measured value creation? (with S. Delpeuch & M. Lopez-Forero)
  • 2022 Journal of Housing Economics, Web-scraping housing prices in real-time: the Covid-19 crisis in the UK, (with B. Meunier & S. Pouget)
  • 2022 World Economy, The proximity-concentration trade-off with multi-product firms: Are exports and FDI complements or substitutes? (with S. Franco Bedoya & M. Lopez Forero)
  • 2019 Open Economies Review & European Commission Discussion Paper, Is private debt excessive? (with L. Coutinho, A. Turrini & S. Zeugner)
  • 2018 World Economy & European Commission Discussion Paper, Compared Performances of French Companies on the Domestic and Foreign Markets (with J. Bardaji, B. Campagne & G. Gaulier), also INSEE Working Document and in "French economy, accounts and files"
  • 2017 Revue Économique (with P. Pontuch), La crise s'est-elle accompagnée d'un sous-investissement dans l'immobilier résidentiel dans les pays de la zone euro ?
  • 2017 Scandinavian Journal of Economics (with M. Beine & P. Bourgeon), Aggregate Fluctuations and International Migration, also CESifo and Banque de France working papers
  • 2017 Open Economies Review & European Commission Discussion Paper, Interlinkages between Household and Corporate Debt in Advanced Economies (with A. Mordonu)
  • 2012 Journal of International Economics (with L. Fontagné, G. Gaulier, D. Taglioni and V. Vicard), Firms and the global crisis: French exports in the turmoil
  • Available as Banque de France working paper, ECB working paper and online on VOX
  • 2011 Revue d’Economie Politique (with M. Boutillier), Disintermediation or financial diversification? The case of developed countries (also Banque de France Bulletin, n°146, 2006)
  • 2011 Économie et Statistique (with J.-M. Fournier, V. Lapègue & O. Monso), The subprime crisis: from a financial to an economic crisis (and Note de conjoncture INSEE, 2009)
  • 2011 Économie et Statistique (with D. Bellas, L. Fontagné, G. Gaulier & V. Vicard)
  • An analysis of the dynamics of French firms’ exports from 2000 to 2009
