Céline Grislain-Letrémy
Senior Research Economist, Structural Policies Research Division
Céline Grislain-Letrémy is a Senior Research Economist at the Banque de France and a research fellow affiliated to Centre for Research in Economics and Statistics (CREST). Prior to that, she has held management positions at the French Ministry of Solidarity and Health, economist positions at the French Statistical Institute (INSEE) and at the French Ministry of Environment, anda consultant position at the OECD. She has also been a research fellow at CREST.
Current Position
Senior Research Economist, Structural Policies Research Division
Previous Positions
- Head of the Redistribution and Evaluation Division (2016–2019) and Head of the Studies on Redistribution Unit (2014–2016), French Ministry of Solidarity and Health
- Economist, French National Statistical Institute (2011–2014)
- Research Economist, Centre for Research in Economics and Statistics, University Paris-Dauphine (2010–2011)
- Economist, French Ministry of Environment (2007–2010)
- Consultant, OECD (2007)
- Accreditation to supervise research (habilitation à diriger des recherches), Paris-Dauphine University (2022)
- PhD in Economics, Paris-Dauphine University (2012)
- MSc in Financial Engineering, Columbia University (2006)
- Bachelor of Arts in Law, Political and Social Sciences, Paris I University (2006)
- ENSAE (National School of Statistics and Economics, 2006) and Administrator of the French National Statistical Institute
Research Interest
Public policy evaluation, environmental economics, risk and insurance economics, urban economics and spatial econometrics, economics of taxation and social benefits
- celine.grislain-letremy@banque-france.fr
- Banque de France, 49-1374 DGSEI-DECAMS-SEPS, 75049 Paris Cedex 01, France
Academic Publications
- "The Ground for Negotiation: Zoning for Risk Reduction around Hazardous Plants'', 2020, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, vol. 180, December 2020, pp. 657-677, with B. Villeneuve
- "Natural Disasters, Land Use, and Insurance'', 2019, Geneva Risk and Insurance Review, vol. 44, Issue 1, pp. 54–86, with B. Villeneuve, 2020 SCOR - Geneva Risk and Insurance Review Best Paper Award
- "How Does Fuel Taxation Impact New Car Purchases? An Evaluation Using French Consumer-Level Dataset'', 2018, Energy Economics, vol. 74, pp. 76-96, with P. Givord and H. Naegele
- "Natural Disasters : Exposure and Underinsurance'', 2018, Annals of Economics and Statistics, No. 129, pp. 53-83
- "The Benefits of Uniform Flood Insurance'', 2015, Geneva Risk and Insurance Review, vol. 40, 41-64, with S. Lemoyne de Forges
- "The Impact of Hazardous Industrial Facilities on Housing Prices: A Comparison of Parametric and Semiparametric Hedonic Price Models'', 2014, Regional Science and Urban Economics, vol. 49, pp. 93-107, with A. Katossky
- "The Significance of Switzerland's Enormous Current-Account Surplus'', 2008, Aussenwirtschaft, Swiss Institute for International Economics and Applied Economic Research (SIAW-HSG), University of St. Gallen, Issue 4, with P. Jarrett
Articles, reports, and policy papers (in French)
- "La diminution du soutien aux transferts universels en France : les conceptions du système de protection sociale ébranlées par la crise de 2008 ?'' 2017, Revue Française des Affaires Sociales, No. 1, pp. 205-229, with A. Papuchon
- "Prévention des catastrophes naturelles : viser le long terme sans attendre'', 2015, Revue d'économie financière, Special issue No. 117 "Climate Change and Sustainable Finance'', with B. Villeneuve
- "L'action publique relative aux risques majeurs : Diagnostics et recommandations'', 2014, Risques, No. 98, pp. 57-66, with R. Lahidji and P. Mongin
- "Assurance et prévention des catastrophes naturelles et technologiques'', 2014, Vie & Sciences de l'Entreprise, No. 197, pp. 60-81
- "Les risques majeurs et l'action publique'', 2013, Report No. 105 of the French Council of Economic Analysis, with R. Lahidji and P. Mongin
- "Risques, assurance et valeur foncière'', 2013, 4th complement to Report No. 105 of the French Council of Economic Analysis, with B. Villeneuve
- "Les risques industriels et le prix des logements'', 2013, Économie et Statistique, No. 460-461, pp. 79-106, with A. Katossky
- "L'assurance habitation dans les départements d'Outre-mer : une faible souscription'', 2011, Économie et Statistique, No. 447, July 2012, pp. 57-70, with L. Calvet
- "L'indemnisation des risques naturels en France : implication de l'Etat, enjeux et perspectives'', 2010, chapter 10 in Gestion des risques naturels, Quae editions, with C. Peinturier
Blog posts
- "Better Land Use and Insurance to Mitigate Natural Disasters", VoxEU Column April 2022, with B. Villeneuve
- "La demande de voitures neuves reste peu sensible à court terme à la hausse des prix des carburants", The Conversation, September 2022, with P. Givord and H. Naegele