Camille Macaire
Representative for Asia-Pacific at the Banque de France APAC regional office in Singapore.
Camille Macaire is currently Representative for Asia-Pacific at the Banque de France regional office in Singapore. She is also Research Associate at CEPII. Her work focuses on Asia, the International Monetary System, and green finance.
Pierre Aldama is macroeconomist-modeller in the Directorate General Statistics, Economics and International, within the Macroeconomic Analysis and Forecasting Division. He is particularly interested in macroeconomic policy issues, especially fiscal policy, and in macroeconomic modelling. Before joining the Banque de France, he was a lecturer and researcher at Paris 1 University.
Current Position
Representative for Asia-Pacific at the Banque de France APAC regional office in Singapore.
Previous Position
Previously, Camille was a research economist at the Banque de France, specializing in China. She also worked as a financial economist at a French brokerage firm.
- Ph.D in Economics, CERDI: “Liberalization of the Financial System in China: Impact on Foreign Exchange and Monetary Policy”
- M.Sc. Economics, Paris Dauphine University
- M.Sc. Management, ESCP Europe
Research Interest
Fiscal policy, macroeconomic modelling
- + 65 6202 9633
- 6 Battery Road #33-03 Singapore 049909
Academic Publications
- Eichengreen B., Macaire C., Monnet E., Naef A. (2022), Is Capital Account Convertibility Required for the Renminbi to Acquire Reserve Currency Status?, CEPR Press Discussion Paper No. 17498.
- Aglietta M., Bai G., Macaire C. (2022), La Course à la suprématie monétaire mondiale, Odile Jacob.
- Aglietta M., Bai G., Macaire C. (2021), "The 14th Five-year Plan in the New Era of China's Reform", CEPII Policy Brief, n°36
- Macaire C. (2020), Le développement financier chinois : des précautions d’hier aux dangers d’aujourd’hui, Economie Mondiale 2021, CEPII Press
- Aglietta M., Macaire C. (2019), "De la devise clé au multilatéralisme : quel rôle pour la Chine dans le Système Monétaire International ?", La Lettre du CEPII, n°404