Image Personne étudiant un billet au microscope à la recherche d'une contrefaçon
Experts from the Counterfeit Research Centre have the most up-to-date knowledge of counterfeiting techniques

A reference in the fight against counterfeiting

The Banque de France's Counterfeit Research Centre (CRC) is an internationally recognised reference in the field. It provides expertise in all areas relating to the fight against counterfeiting, from the analysis of forged banknotes to the performance of counterfeit resistance tests.

Our teams have extensive experience in the graphic arts industry, and are proficient in both traditional and digital reproduction processes. They have a six-month to two-year head-start on real-world counterfeiters, enabling them to identify the latest counterfeiting techniques. Thanks to continuous market monitoring and experimentation with new materials and equipment, they are able to produce fakes at amateur, semi-professional and professional levels.

Our service offering in the fight against counterfeiting

Our teams provide cross-checking analyses in the following areas:

  • counterfeit resistance testing of banknotes and security products
  • counterfeit resistance testing of individual security features
  • integration recommendations to optimise the effectiveness of security features

They provide assistance in setting up counterfeit analysis laboratories, including training in the identification of printing processes and help with technical classification methodologies.

They also offer their expertise in the identification of counterfeit products, helping to train police forces, and monitoring the activity of counterfeiters on the darknet and social media.

Image Imprimantes, scanner et pressoirs dernière génération dans un bureau
The CRC is equipped with a wide range of commercial printers, scanners and presses, covering most reproduction technologies
Image Billet passé dans une machine vérifiant la contrefaçon
The CRC trains and assists in law enforcement matters

A laboratory specialising in banknote development and production

With more than 20 years' experience in the production of banknotes for the Eurosystem and for clients facing challenging circulation conditions, the Banque de France uses the most up-to-date procedures in banknote production, authentication and quality control.

Our service offering in product innovation and development

The Banque de France assists you at each step of your product development, from the selection of materials to proof of concept. It provides expertise in currency design and issuance, thanks to its advanced analysis laboratory and pilot  facilities.

The Banque de France's assistance includes:

  • physical and chemical tests in accordance with your specifications
  • the design of new paper thanks to a pilot paper machine that is unique in Europe
  • the development of innovative materials
  • the printing of new security inks or printed elements on banknotes produced by the different processes using a complete pilot printing line
Image Machine permettant de tester physiquement le papier
Thanks to its qualified team and its pilot equipment consisting of a complete pilot printing line and a unique pilot paper machine, the Banque de France can support you at every stage of your product's development, from the selection of materials to proof of concept
Image Machine permettant de tester chimiquement le papier
With its cutting-edge expertise in areas such as thread insertion, security inks, paper formulation and complete banknote printing, the Banque de France is your partner for innovation
Image Contrôle qualité affiché sur des écrans d'ordinateur
Quality control to ISO and Euro standards

Saviez-vous que l'imprimerie de la Banque de France est dotée d'un centre de recherche et de développement à la pointe de la technologie ? Les chercheurs y développent de nouvelles caractéristiques et conçoivent de nouveaux signes de sécurité. Ils peuvent même y étudier les contrefaçons afin de garder une longueur d'avance sur les faussaires. Bonne découverte !

Le centre de R&D de la Banque de France pour lutter contre la contrefaçon

The Banque de France’s Counterfeit Research Centre

Find out more

Design and manufacture of banknote paper and banknotes

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The Banque de France is the leading banknote printer in the Eurosystem

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EuropaFi – Europe's foremost public banknote paper mill

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EverFit® – the solution for challenging circulation environments

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Banknotes at the cutting edge of technology and innovation

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Design and manufacture of banknote paper and banknotes

Outils statistique

The Banque de France is the leading banknote printer in the Eurosystem

Outils statistique

EuropaFi – Europe's foremost public banknote paper mill

Outils statistique

EverFit® – the solution for challenging circulation environments

Outils statistique

Banknotes at the cutting edge of technology and innovation

Outils statistique

Updated on 7 November 2023