Oana Toader

Research economist

Oana Toader

Oana Toader is a research economist at Banque of France, in the Directorate of Financial Stability and General Operations. Her research topics cover economics of banking and finance. She joined the Bank in 2017 and she holds a PhD degree from University of Orléans, France (2016).

Previous Position

Researcher, Teaching assistant at University of Orléans


PhD in Economics, Public defence on July 5, 2016 at University of Orléans, France                                                                                      

Research Interest

Banking and finance


Academic publications


A. Violon, D. Durant and O. Toader, “The Impact of the Designation of Global Systemically Important Banks on Their Business Model”International Journal of Central Banking, vol. 16(5), pp. 95-142, October 2020.

A. Pop and O. Toader, « Mesures des risques et arbitrages réglementaires dans l’odyssée bâloise », Revue d’économie financière, n° 137 (« 40 ans de libéralisation financière »), 1st quarter 2020.

D. Durant, O. Toader and A. Violon, “The impact of the identification of GSIBs on their business model”, ACPR, Economic and Financial Discussion Notes, n°33, March 2018.

S. Schich and O. Toader, “To be or not to be a G-SIB: Does it matter?”, Journal of Financial Management, Markets and Institutions, 2/2017, vol. 5, n°2, July-December, pp. 169-192.

O. Toader, “Estimating the Impact of the Higher Capital Requirements on the Cost of Equity: an Empirical Study on European Banks”, International Economics and Economic Policy, Vol. 12 (Issue 3(2015)), pp. 411-436

O. Toader, “Quantifying and Explaining Implicit Public Guarantees for European Banks”, International Review of Financial Analysis, Vol. 41 (Oct 2015), pp.  136-147.


« Risques financiers. Mesures et conséquences », Presses Universitaires de Rennes (PUR), 2018