Henri Fraisse
Inspector, Head of Mission at the ACPR
Current Position
Inspector, Head of Mission at the ACPR
Previous Position
- ACPR: Head of the Research Unit (2016-2018), Head of the Macroprudential Risks Division (2011-2016)
- Banque de France : Deputy Head of the Micreconomic Anaysis Division, Economic Forecaster (2001-2004)
- Portfolio Manager (1999-2001).
- Gan-Groupama : Actuary (1998-1999)
- PhD in Economics, Cornell University (2009)
- Masters degree in Macroeconomics, Paris I Sorbonne University (2004)
- Masters degree in Statistics and Economics, ENSAE (1997)
Research Interest
Banking, consumer finance, labour economics and macroeconomics
- Henri.fraisse@acpr.banque-france.fr
- +33 (0)1 49 95 56 19
- Banque de France, ACPR-DCP-CCRM, 53 rue de Châteaudun, 75009 Paris
Academic Publications
- Accés au crédit des PME depuis la grande crise financière : quels effets des nouvelles politiques monétaires et financières ? , avec J-S. Mésonnier, Revue d'Economie Financière, 2023, volume 2, n°150
- Return on AI : the Case of Capital Requirement, with M. Laporte, Journal of Banking and Finance, May 2022, Vol. 138.
- The Real Effect of Capital Requirement, with M. Lé and D. Thesmar, Management Science, January 2020, Vol. 66(1), Pages 5-23.
- Can the Provision of Long-Term Liquidity Help To Avoid a Credit Crunch ? Evidence from the Eurosystem's LTROS with P. Andrade, C. Cahn and J-S. Mesonnier, Journal of the European Economic Association, August 2019, Vol.17 (4), Pages 1070-1106.
- Short Term Effects of Household Debt Restructuring : Evidence of the French Experience, Annals of Economics and Statistics, August 2019, Vol 133, Pages 1-24.
- The Competitive Effects of a Bank Megamerger on Credit Supply, with J. Hombert and M. Lé, Journal of Banking and Finance, August 2018, Vol. 93, Pages 151-161.
- Household Debt Restructuring : The Re-default Effects of a Debt Suspension, Journal of Law, Economics and Organization, November 2017, Vol. 33, Issue 4, Pages 686-717.
- Labor Disputes and Job Flows. with F. Kramarz and C. Prost, Industrial Labor Relations Review ,October 2015, Vol. 68, Pages 1043-1077.
- Sentiment de sécurité en emploi : l’effet des indemnités chômage et de la justice prud’homale avec C. Prost et L. Rioux, Economie et Prévision, 2013 n°202-203
- La distribution des salaires en France depuis 1990 : la grande compression avec G. Verdugo et G. Horny, Revue Economique 63 (2) 2012
- Les commissions de surendettement : de l'objectif de négociation à la prévention de la rechute" avec A. Muller. Economie et Statistique, dec 2011
- Is the Inflation-Output Nexus Asymmetric in the Euro Area? Some evidence for France, Germany and Italy.” with M. Baghli and C.Cahn. Economics letters, January 2007 , Vol. 94, Issue 1, Pages 1-6.