
Study visit of the South African Reserve Bank at the Banque de France

Published on the 30th of December 2024

Visuel - Actualité IBFI

From 19 to 21 November, the Banque de France hosted a delegation from the South African Reserve Bank (SARB) as part of a pilot project financed by the European Union. 
European Union program to contribute to macroeconomic and financial stability in Africa.

The Banque de France's International and Financial Banking Institute (IBFI) organised this study visit by three SARB representatives, who exchanged views with experts from the Bank, the ACPR and the Inspectorate General's On-site Supervision Directorate in the following areas: Cybersecurity, development of artificial intelligence in economic research and prudential supervision, tokenization, crypto-assets and central bank digital currency, quantum computing and Fintechs. This program helps to strengthen the capabilities of the participating central banks in their core businesses.

Image Visuel - Actualité IBFI
Study visit of the South African Reserve Bank at the Banque de France.

Updated on the 30th of December 2024