Macroeconomic policy in open economies : 9th BdF-BoE-BdI International Macroeconomics Workshop

Published on the 23rd of September 2023

01 December 2023 - 09:00

Banque de France, the Bank of England and Banca d’Italia are jointly organizing the 9th edition of their International Macroeconomics Workshop on 1 December 2023 in London. This year’s edition will cover international macro dynamics with heterogeneous firms and international spillovers from domestic shocks.
The keynote address will be given by Sebnem Kalemli Ozcan (University of Maryland). The workshop will take place in London at the Bank of England and will be held in-person.



Ambrogio Cesa-Bianchi (BoE)
Aydan Dogan (BoE)
Julia Schmidt (BdF)
Fabrizio Venditti (BdI)


Macroeconomic policy in open economies : 9th BdF-BoE-BdI International Macroeconomics Workshop

Updated on the 24th of November 2023