Time allocation: 35 min per paper, presentation 25min / Q&A 10min
8.45-9.15 Welcome & registration - Breakfast
9.15-9.30 Welcome address Marie-Laure Barut-Etherington (Banque de France)
9.30-10.15 Keynote speech: Christiane Baumeister (University of Notre Dame)
10.15-10.30 Coffee Break
10.30-11.05 Gert Peersman (Ghent University), Commodity Price Shocks and Global Cycles: Monetary Policy Matters
11.05-11.40 Simona Delle Chiaie (Bloomberg Economics), Energy shocks and the inflation-unemployment trade-off
11.40-12.15 Evgenia Passari (Université Paris Dauphine - PSL), The Origins of Commodity Price Fluctuations
12.15-12.50 Laurent Ferrara (SKEMA Business School), Commodity price uncertainty comovement: Does it matter for global economic growth?
12.50-14.10 Lunch
14.10-14.55 Keynote speech: Ivan Petrella (Warwick Business School)
14:55-15.30 Massimo Ferrari Minesso (ECB), Gas price shocks and euro area inflation
15.30-16.05 Andrea Gazzani (Banca d'Italia), Natural gas and the macroeconomy: not all energy shocks are alike
16.05-16.20 Coffee Break
16.20-16.55 Antoine Bouveret (ESMA), EU Energy Derivatives Markets: Structure and Risks
16.55-17.30 Erica Perego (CEPII), US monetary policy spillovers to developing countries: the commodity-financial channel
17.30-18.05 Valeri Sokolovski (University of Alberta), Commodity Prices and Currencies
19.00 Dinner (by invitation only)