Banque de France launches its platform dedicated to innovation to reinforce its collaboration with the innovative stakeholders Primary tabs View(active tab) Edit Translate

Banque de France presents its brand new collaborative platform directed to the innovation ecosystem. Realised in collaboration with Le Lab, its Open Innovation centre, this initiative falls within the framework of Banque de France’s Strategic Plan “Building 2024 Together” (« Construire Ensemble 2024 ») and illustrates its commitment on the issues of digital transformation.

Published on the 9th of June 2023

Image Le Lab innove avec vous Thématique Banque de France Catégorie Communiqué de presse BDF
This platform offers news about innovation or editorials, as a way to share the topics of interest of Banque de France.

This platform offers an increased visibility on Banque de France innovation strategy and reinforces its ability to exchange and collaborate with the innovating actors: start-ups, tech companies but also students and researchers.

It is also meant to keep innovating companies widely informed about the opportunities of collaboration with Banque de France. In particular, it presents all the services offered by the institution’s various departments to these stakeholders.

From an operational point of view, the platform hosts calls for contributions, hackathons and events. The objective of such initiatives is to enable players in innovation to propose, in a co-construction perspective, their ideas and solutions to respond to the issues raised by Banque de France.


Call for papers on the topic of generative AI, open until June 26th

On that matter, Le Lab has just published its first call for contributions on the topic of generative AI called “What uses and impacts of generative AI on the activities and missions of the Banque de France?”. Interested actors can submit their proposals before June 26th, 2023.

[+ Discover this call for contributions here]

This new platform thus reinforces the positioning of the French Central bank as a committed actor in favour of innovation in the financial field.

With this platform, we are willing to reinforce our cooperation with the innovating ecosystem. Our aim? Foster common reflexions and projects, at the service of Banque de France missions and to the advantage of everyone. We thus wish to reaffirm our commitment to open innovation” says Valérie Fasquelle, Deputy Director General of the Banque de France's Information System Directorate and sponsor of the Banque de France's innovation initiative.

>> Discover the platform:


Discover our new innovative platform at Viva Technology!

For the first time this year, Banque de France is a partner of Vivatech, the annual meeting for start-ups and the European tech ecosystem.

Come and meet us on our stand, Booth K44, from June 14th to 17th 2023.The Lab team will be thrilled to present the platform to you, and discuss the possible cooperation with interested partners.


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Updated on the 28th of February 2024