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Cercle IA et finance, Paris, 4 February 2025
Speech by Denis Beau, First Deputy Governor of the Banque de France


A credit rating is an assessment by the Banque de France of a company's ability to meet its financial commitments over a one- to three-year period. The Banque de France rating system is recognised by the European Central Bank and the European Banking Authority.

Your company's listing is confidential and is governed by the French Monetary and Financial Code, which strictly defines the potential recipients (article L. 144-1). 

As the person legally responsible for the listed company, it is provided to you systematically and free of charge. You can obtain a copy from the Banque de France's regional offices and ask for an explanation of the reasons for its allocation during a personal interview.
Those involved in financing the economy can also access the Banque de France's rating by joining the I-FIBEN (Fichier Bancaire des Entreprises) service. However, members may not, under any circumstances, disseminate the information brought to their attention outside their institution.