Business failures - France 2024Jun

Published on the 8th of July 2024

At the end of June, the trend towards stabilization in the number of corporate bankruptcies over the last twelve months is confirmed

  • At the end of June, the provisional cumulative number of corporate bankruptcies aggregated over the last twelve months amounted to 61,081 (see graph 1). This level is slightly higher than the level observed the previous month (61,036).

  • After an expected catch-up, this trend towards stabilization applies to the various sectors of the economy (see Table A). It also applies to most company sizes (see Table B).

  • Finally, the number of cases referred to the Credit Mediation Service has not increased.

  • Public services and those of the Banque de France are mobilised to help companies in difficulty.

To find out more: data on business start-ups are reported by the French National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (INSEE): Business births on the INSEE's website

A - Corporate bankruptcies by sector
Bankruptcies in number of legal units, year on year change (%)
Aggregate over previous 12 months (a) (raw data)
Mean 2010-2019 May 24 May 24/May 23 May 24/2010-2019 June 23 June 24 prov. June 24/June 23 June 24/2010-2019
Business sector
Agriculture, forestry and fishing (AZ) 1,359 1,349 9.9% -0.7% 1,254 1,287 2.6% -5.3%
Industry (BE) 4,442 4,081 15.9% -8.1% 3,624 4,077 12.5% -8.2%
Construction (FZ) 14,684 13,291 35.3% -9.5% 10,009 13,513 35.0% -8.0%
Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles (G) 13,070 12,956 21.3% -0.9% 10,851 13,049 20.3% -0.2%
Transportation and storage (H) 1,901 2,605 33.9% 37.0% 1,971 2,639 33.9% 38.8%
Accommodation and food service activities (I) 7,374 8,161 23.6% 10.7% 6,842 8,152 19.1% 10.6%
Information and communication (JZ) 1,480 1,793 23.2% 21.1% 1,485 1,808 21.8% 22.2%
Financial and insurance activities (KZ) 1,150 1,537 39.5% 33.7% 1,136 1,529 34.6% 33.0%
Real estate activities (LZ) 1,984 2,347 47.0% 18.3% 1,652 2,344 41.9% 18.1%
Advisory & Business support activities (MN) 6,380 7,140 29.7% 11.9% 5,610 7,143 27.3% 12.0%
Education, human health and social work services, Arts, entertainment and recreation, Other service activities (P to S) 5,311 5,695 22.8% 7.2% 4,867 5,460 12.2% 2.8%
All firms (b) 59,342 61,036 26.7% 2.9% 49,383 61,081 23.7% 2.9%
Source: Banque de France - database: Fiben. Data available early July 2024: final for May, provisional for June.
Calculation: Banque de France - Companies Directorate - Companies Observatory.
Note: According to INSEE, the number of firms has risen by around 40% in 10 years.
a Aggregate number of corporate bankruptcies over previous 12 months compared to the same aggregate one year before and with the 2010-2019 mean.
b The line « All firms » includes legal units whose business sector is not known.
B - Corporate bankruptcies by firm size
Bankruptcies in number of legal units, year on year change (%)
Aggregate over previous 12 months (a) (raw data)
Mean 2010-2019 May 24 May 24/May 23 May 24/2010-2019 June 23 June 24 prov. June 24/June 23 June 24/2010-2019
SME, among them 59,309 60,969 26.7% 2.8% 49,330 61,025 23.7% 2.9%
Micro-enterprises and unknown firm's size 56,055 55,846 25.3% -0.4% 45,632 55,882 22.5% -0.3%
Very small firms 2,011 3,223 47.2% 60.3% 2,286 3,210 40.4% 59.6%
Small firms 913 1,430 39.4% 56.6% 1,049 1,467 39.8% 60.7%
Medium-size firms 330 470 38.6% 42.4% 363 466 28.4% 41.2%
ISE - Large Firms 33 67 55.8% 103.0% 53 56 5.7% 69.7%
All firms 59,342 61,036 26.7% 2.9% 49,383 61,081 23.7% 2.9%
Source: Banque de France - database: Fiben. Data available early July 2024: final for May, provisional for June.
Calculation: Banque de France - Companies Directorate - Companies Observatory.
a Aggregate number of corporate bankruptcies over previous 12 months compared to the same aggregate one year before and with the 2010-2019 mean.

C - Changes in corporate bankruptcies
1 - Number of bankruptcies
Cumulated over previous 12 months
From Dec. 1991 to May 2024 (+ June 2024 provisional)
Note: The orange line represents the average value of the number of corporate bankruptcies over twelve months observed monthly between January 2010 and December 2019.
2 - Change in number of bankruptcies
Annual year-on-year change
From Dec. 1991 to May 2024 (+ June 2024 provisional)
(in %)

3 - Monthly number of bankruptcies
Mean 2010-2019 and from Jan. 2020 to May 2024 (+June 2024 provisional)
4 - Loan amounts of bankrupt non-financial firms over loan amount of all firms - by firm size
Cumulated over previous 12 months
From Dec. 2006 to May 2024 (+ June 2024 provisional)
(in %)
Note: the sharp rise in the weighting of outstanding loans in the Very small businesses category from May 2024 is due to a legal unit, classified in this category due to its small size. Without this legal unit, the weight of Very small businesses failures in terms of outstanding loans would be equal to 0.80%. For small businesses, the rise is due both to an increase in the number of bankruptcies and to an increase in the average loan outstanding.
Source: Banque de France - database: Fiben. Data available early July 2024: final for May, provisional for June
More information on: methodology, time series, calendar
All the series published by the Banque de France are available at the following address
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Corporate bankruptcies

STAT INFO - June 2024
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Updated on the 5th of July 2024