Working paper

How Does Vocational Training Impact Job Seekers’ Professional Transitions? (In French)

Published on the 26th of December 2024
Authors : Kevin M. Frick, Yagan Hazard , Thomas Zuber, Damien Mayaux

Working Paper Series no. 985. Does vocational training help reduce structural imbalances in the labor market? We construct a new measure of occupational distance by applying a natural language processing algorithm to a large sample of job offers. Using this new measure of occupational distance we find that the effect of training on re-employment is driven by re-employment in occupations which are distant (in terms of skills) from job seekers’ original occupations. From a purely reallocative point of view, however, the effect of vocational training on the return to employment does not appear to be driven by re-employment in tight occupations. Our results rely on a conditional independence assumption and should therefore be interpreted with caution.

Nombre de transitions expliquées par les mesures de distance inter-métiers

Image WP985
Note : Cet histogramme représente le nombre de transitions réalisées sur le marché du travail en 2019 vers les 10 métiers d'arrivée les plus proches du métier d'origine selon différentes mesures de distance inter-métiers. Nous comparons la distance textuelle que nous construisons aux distances construites grâce aux rubriques « Mobilités » et « Compétences » du ROME V3. Notre mesure de distance textuelle fait mieux que la "Distance mobilités" pour 7 des 10 rangs.
Source : DADS Postes 2019 ; calcul des auteurs.

Keywords: Unemployment, Professional Training, Human Capital, Professional Transitions.
Codes JEL : J62, J68, J24.

Updated on the 26th of December 2024