Euro area bank interest rate statistics: November 2024

Published on the 7th of January 2025

Bank interest rates for corporations

Image Image Bank interest rates for corporations
Image Bank interest rates for corporations

Data for cost of borrowing and deposit interest rates for corporations (Chart 1)

The composite cost-of-borrowing indicator, which combines interest rates on all loans to corporations, decreased in November 2024. The interest rate on new loans of over €1 million with a floating rate and an initial rate fixation period of up to three months decreased by 22 basis points to 4.42%. The rate on new loans of the same size with an initial rate fixation period of over three months and up to one year fell by 10 basis points to 4.19%. The interest rate on new loans of over €1 million with an initial rate fixation period of over ten years decreased by 11 basis points to 3.48%. In the case of new loans of up to €250,000 with a floating rate and an initial rate fixation period of up to three months, the average rate charged stayed almost constant at 4.80%. As regards new deposit agreements, the interest rate on deposits from corporations with an agreed maturity of up to one year fell by 16 basis points to 2.90% in November 2024. The interest rate on overnight deposits from corporations stayed almost constant at 0.81%.
The interest rate on new loans to sole proprietors and unincorporated partnerships with a floating rate and an initial rate fixation period of up to one year remained broadly unchanged at 4.92%.

Image Table 1 -Bank interest rates for corporations
i.r.f. = initial rate fixation
* For this instrument category, the concept of new business is extended to the whole outstanding amounts and therefore the business volumes are not comparable with those of the other categories. Outstanding amounts data are derived from the ECB's monetary financial institutions balance sheet statistics.

Updated on the 7th of January 2025