Table 1
Monetary policy securities portfolios |
Reported value as at 3 January 2025 |
Weekly change – purchases [1] |
Weekly change – redemptions |
Securities Markets Programme |
EUR 1.3 billion |
+EUR 0.0 billion |
Covered bond purchase programme 3 |
EUR 253.0 billion |
-EUR 0.1 billion |
Asset-backed securities purchase programme |
EUR 7.1 billion |
-EUR 0.0 billion |
-EUR 0.0 billion |
Public sector purchase programme |
EUR 2,124.7 billion |
-EUR 3.1 billion |
Corporate sector purchase programme |
EUR 288.4 billion |
-EUR 0.1 billion |
-EUR 0.8 billion |
Pandemic emergency purchase programme |
EUR 1,608.7 billion |
-EUR 0.2 billion |
-EUR 2.9 billion |
[1] With the discontinuation of the reinvestments under the asset purchase programme, this column may sometimes show negative amounts. These are expected to be infrequent and would result from sales of securities conducted, for instance, for risk management purposes.
Quarter-end revaluation of the Eurosystem’s assets and liabilities
In line with the Eurosystem’s harmonised accounting rules, gold, foreign exchange and financial instruments (including part of the securities holdings not purchased for monetary policy purposes) are revalued at market rates and prices as at the end of each quarter.
The net impact of the revaluation on each balance sheet item as at 3 January 2025 is shown in the additional column “Difference compared with last week due to quarter-end adjustments”. The gold price and the principal exchange rates used for the revaluation of balances were as follows:
Gold: EUR 2,511.069 per fine oz.
USD: 1.0389 per EUR
JPY: 163.06 per EUR
CNY: 7.5833 per EUR
Special drawing rights: EUR 1.2544 per SDR
Other issues
In the week ending 3 January 2025 the Eurosystem changed the presentation of “accumulated losses carried forward”. These are now included as negative items under Capital and reserves (liability item 12) instead of Other assets (asset item 9).
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The content and format of the weekly financial statement are set out in Annexes IV to VI of Guideline (EU) 2024/2941 of the European Central Bank of 14 November 2024 on the legal framework for accounting and financial reporting in the European System of Central Banks (ECB/2024/31).