
Banque de France Annual Report 2023

Published on the 23rd of May 2024

Rapport annuel de la Banque de France 2023

The Annual Report describes the action taken by the Banque de France over the year to fulfil its three core missions: monetary strategy, financial stability and services to the economy and society. It presents the work of the women and men that make up the Bank’s staff, placing particular emphasis on corporate social and environmental responsibility. The final section provides details of the Bank’s financial management and its financial statements for the year.

The Banque de France in 2023 :

In 2023, inflation weighed heavily on the economy, households and businesses, either directly through the headwinds it created for consumption and production or indirectly through the higher interest rates that were necessary to reduce it. Inflation is now on a downward trend. It decreased from 7% in January 2023 to 3.4% in January 2024. Faced with this economic environment, and against a backdrop of ecological and social concerns: what action did the Banque de France take?

Updated on the 24th of July 2024