Prizes in Monetary Economics and Finance Academic Workshop

Published on the 21st of May 2024

18 June 2024 - 10:30

Since 2007, the Banque de France and TSE have worked together to support and strengthen excellence in economic research in France and make key contributions to international economic debate and expertise. To do so, in 2012, the Banque de France and the Toulouse School of Economics launched a series of Prizes in Monetary Economics and Finance.


These prizes, granted every two years, distinguish junior and senior academic researchers who have developed central concepts to improve our understanding of monetary economics and finance. The aim of the prizes is to foster conceptual progress that will eventually allow the design and implementation of improved policies by central banks.

The conference will take place in person. 


18 June 2024 from 10.30am to 5pm


10:30 – 10:45  Welcome coffee
10:45 – 11:00  Welcome address by Agnès BENASSY-QUERE (Deputy Governor, Banque de France)

SESSION 1: International Finance – Chair: Jean-Charles ROCHET (TSE)

11:00 – 11.45  Hélène REY (LBS, CEPR, NBER),
Elephants in the Market? The Importance of Asset Managers For Equity Prices and Exchange Rates (with Adrien Rousset Planat, Vania Stavrakeva, and Jenny Tang)
Discussant: tba

11:45 – 12.30  Prizes in Monetary Economics and Finance
Academic Workshop

12:30 – 13:30  Lunch 

SESSION 2: Asset Prices – Chair: Alexander GUEMBEL (TSE)

13:30 – 14.15  Benjamin MOLL (LSE, CEPR),
Asset-Price Redistribution (with Andreas Fagereng, Matthieu Gomez, Émilien Gouin-Bonenfant, Martin Holm, and Gisle Natvik)
Discussant: Jean-Charles ROCHET (TSE)

14:15 – 15.00  Ricardo J. CABALLERO (MIT, NBER),
Financial Conditions Targeting (with Tomás E. Caravello and Alp Simsek)
Discussant: Fabrice COLLARD (TSE)

15:00 – 15.30  Coffee break

SESSION 3: Corporate Governance – Chair: Fabrice COLLARD (TSE)

15:30 – 16.15  Matteo MAGGIORI (Stanford University, NBER),
A Framework for Geoeconomics (with Christopher Clayton and Jesse Schreger)
Discussant: Alexander GUEMBEL (TSE)

16:15 – 17.00  Ulrike MALMENDIER (University of California Berkely, CEPR, NBER),
Prosociality and Layoffs (with Marius Guenzel and Clint Hamilton)
Discussant: Andrea BASSANINI (OECD)

Presentation: 30 minutes for speakers - 10 minutes for discussant and 5 minutes for questions.

