5th International Capital Flows and Financial Policies Workshop

Published on the 11th of March 2024

04 October 2024 - 08:00

The Bank of England, the Banque de France, the Banca d’Italia, the IMF, and the OECD are pleased to circulate the program of the fifth edition of their annual workshop on International Capital Flows and Financial Policies.


The workshop aims to address frontier issues in the area of international capital flows, discussing how capital flows are affected by cyclical factors, such as inflation-driven monetary policy changes in advanced economies, by a more fragmented international financial system, by the growing role of non-bank financial institutions (NBFIs), and by long-run structural drivers, such as digitalization and climate change. In addition, the workshop will seek to identify the appropriate mix of policy tools – including capital flow management measures (CFMs), currency-based measures (CBMs), macroprudential measures, monetary policy tools, and foreign exchange intervention – to mitigate the volatility of capital flows and the risks emanating from it.

The one-day workshop will bring together academics and policy makers to deepen our understanding of global capital flows. The workshop will be held at the Bank of England in London on 4 October 2024.

The event will feature a keynote speech from Helene Rey, Lord Bagri Professor of Economics at London Business School, and a high-level panel discussion that will address frontier issues on capital flows and key policy challenges.

9:00am Opening Remarks
Sarah Breeden (Bank of England)
9:10am Session 1: Granularity, Exchange Rates and Capital Flows
Chair: Tjoervi Olafsson (IMF)
9:10am Cross-Currency Basis Risk and International Capital Flows
Quentin Vandeweyer (University of Chicago) with Christian Kubitza and Jean-David Sigaux)
9:35am Discussion: Hillary Stein (Federal Reserve Bank of Boston)
9:50am Q & A
10.00am The Granular Origins of the Global Financial Cycle
Mathias Hoffmann (University of Zurich) with Nicola Benigni, Torsten Ehlers, Boris Hofmann and Christian Schmieder
10:25am Discussion: Simon Lloyd (Bank of England)
10:40am Q & A
10:50am Coffee Break
11:10am Keynote speaker
Helene Rey (London Business School)
Chair: Ambrogio Cesa-Bianchi
12:00pm Q & A
12:10pm Lunch
1:20pm Policy Panel
Chair: James Talbot (Bank of England)
Panelist: Laura Alfaro (Harvard Business School)
Panelist: Beata Javorcik (EBRD, University of Oxford)
Panelist: Ana Novik (OECD)
2:20pm Coffee Break
2:40 pm Session 2: Capital flow booms and busts
Valerio Nispi Landi (Banca d’Italia)
2:40 pm Capital Allocation and Firm Dynamics in Small Open Economies
3:05pm Felipe Camêlo (New York University, IMF)
Discussion: Felipe Saffie (University of Virginia)
3:20pm Q & A
3:30pm Global Effects of Foreign Exchange Interventions
3:55pm Marcin Kolasa (IMF) with Aleksandra Babii and Jesper Lindé
Discussion: Paolo Cavallino (BIS)
4:10pm Q & A
4:20pm Coffee Break
4:40pm Session 3: Global Financial Cycles and Emerging Markets
Chair: Winfrid Blaschke
4:40pm Monetary Policy and the Short-Rate Disconnect in Emerging Economies
Sebnem Kalemli-Özcan (University of Maryland) with Pierre De Leo and Gita Gopinath
5:05pm Discussion: Ida Hjortsoe (Bank of England)
5:20pm Q & A
5.30pm The fickle and the stable: Global Financial Cycle transmission via heterogeneous investors
Haonan Zhou (Princeton University)
5:55pm Discussion: Veronica de Falco (Imperial College London)
6:10pm Q & A
6:20pm Closing Remarks
Kai Arvai, Valentin Burban, Julia Schmidt (Banque de France)
6:30pm End of the Workshop

Updated on the 20th of September 2024