Carried out by its open innovation centre “the LAB”, the experimentation consisted in implementing, in a completely operational chain, a library of "quantum robust" algorithms, selected among the ones issued from the NIST call for contributions, combined with present ones, for totally secured data exchanges. The Banque de France benefited on this project from the support of the start-up Cryptonext Security, a spin-off of INRIA and the University of Paris-Sorbonne, which brought her, through the product they developed, their mastery of these algorithms integration in innovative solutions and its assistance in deploying this solution within our technical infrastructures.
The Banque de France was therefore able to prove the capacity of these post-quantum algorithms to integrate into its information system in a hybrid logic, in accordance with the recommendations of the French and international information security authorities, allowing a flexible evolution towards future data security standards.
This experiment allows the Banque de France to progress in acquiring control over the integration of this "quantum resistant" technology into its information system and is part of our approach to defining a response strategy to the quantum threat if and when it becomes clearer.
Valérie Fasquelle, Deputy General Director of the Banque de France DGIS underlines : “Through the successful implementation of post-quantum algorithms, the Banque de France demonstrates its ability to master new encryption technologies to stay state of the art in the security of its communications in the face of the security risks that quantum computing could pose in the future”.