Central Banks
According to Article L. 141-8 of the French Monetary and Financial Code, in France this comprises the Treasury, the Institut d'émission des départements d'outre-mer (IEDOM – Delegated Central Bank for the French Overseas Departments and Territories), the Institut d'émission d'outre-mer (IEOM – the Central Bank for the French Overseas Territories in the Pacific Region), the Caisse des dépôts et consignations, and bodies expressly authorised by decisions of the Banque de France’s General Council. For foreign or international entities, see page on the Banque de France's international investment offer.
You are a public institution and wish to open an account with the Banque de France: contact the Banque de France on 34 14 for further information.
You are already a Banque de France client and wish to obtain information about the cash services provided by the Banque de France: contact your usual account manager.