The Banque de France manages the webform, the purpose of which is to collect registrations for Green Fiance Research Advances Conference and the logistical aspects of participation in this event, based on the legal basis: legitimate interest in compliance with the legal and regulatory provisions: Law No. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 as amended relating to information technology, files and freedoms, and the General Regulations on Data Protection (EU Regulation 2016/679 of 27 April 2016).
The information requested from you on this webofrm is reserved exclusively for the processing of your registration for Green Finance Research Advances Conference and is intended for the administration of the Banque de France and our authorized third parties (Institut Louis Bachelier, JD2, NGFS). Within this framework, it collects personal data: title, surname, first name, email, institution. These data are kept for 3 years.
Only the Banque de France agents in charge of organizing the conference, those in charge of physical access, the internal control and audit departments and authorized third parties (Institut Louis Bachelier, JD2, NGFS) have access to your personnal information.
You have a right of access, rectification, deletion, opposition to your data that you can exercise by contacting the Banque de France by email at
You have the possibility to file a complaint with the CNIL. The Data Protection Officer's contact information is: