The prizes for research in monetary and financial economics have been awarded since 2012. The awardees are chosen by a jury that includes three representatives from the Banque de France, three representatives from the Toulouse school of economics and three professors in economics or finance: Veronica Guerrieri of the University of Chicago, Christine Parlor of the University of Berkeley and Ivan Werning of MIT. The objective of these prizes is to support research that is topical for central banks. Awarded every two years, they distinguish two junior university researchers (i.e. researchers who have defended their doctoral thesis for less than 20 years) and a senior university researcher.
The ceremony will be preceded during the day by an academic conference, which is also open to the public upon registration: Prizes in Monetary Economics and Finance Academic Workshop | Banque de France (
The working languages of the ceremony will be English and French (with live translatation).
To attend the ceremony, it is mandatory to register here : Prizes in Monetary Economics and Finance Awards Ceremony
Program :
17:30 – 18:00 Welcome drinks
18:00 – 18:05 Welcome address by François VILLEROY de GALHAU (Governor, Banque de France)
18:05 – 18:30 International Capital Flows in the post pandemic era
Chair: Agnès BÉNASSY-QUÉRÉ (Deputy Governor, Banque de France)
Matteo MAGGIORI (Stanford University, NBER)
18:30 – 18:55 Challenges for monetary policy after the 2022-23 inflation surge
Chair: Olivier GARNIER (Director General Statistics, Economics and International, Banque de France)
Ulrike MALMENDIER (University of California Berkeley, CEPR, NBER)
Benjamin MOLL (LSE, CEPR)
David SRAER (University of California Berkeley, CEPR, NBER)
18:55 – 19.15 2022 PRIZES CEREMONY awarded by François VILLEROY de GALHAU (Governor, Banque de France), Agnès BÉNASSY-QUÉRÉ (Deputy Governor, Banque de France), Jean TIROLE (Honorary chairman, TSE)
19:15 – 19:35 2024 PRIZES CEREMONY awarded by François VILLEROY de GALHAU (Governor, Banque de France), Agnès BÉNASSY-QUÉRÉ (Deputy Governor, Banque de France), Jean TIROLE (Honorary chairman, TSE)
19:35 – 20.00 Cocktail