The CNMP’s roadmap

Created in 2022, the Comité National des Moyens de Paiement (CNMP – National Payments Committee) will initially build on the guidelines defined by the two committees it has replaced: the second national strategy for cashless payment instruments (2019-24), and the national cash management policy drawn up since 2019 within the framework of the Comité de Pilotage de la Filière Fiduciaire (CP2F – Steering Committee for the Cash Industry). In 2024, a new unified strategy will formally converge the work carried out by the two sectors.

National cash management policy

The CNMP also draws on the work and guidelines of its predecessor, the CP2F. Drafted in 2019, the national cash management policy is based on broad consultation with the main stakeholders. The Banque de France is responsible for steering this consultation process, in conjunction with the French Treasury and the French Banking Federation. The national cash management policy identifies a set of measurable actions to be carried out by all industry players, and groups them together into five key axes:

1. Guaranteeing the acceptability of cash as a means of payment

2. Monitoring the accessibility of cash: since 2019, the Banque de France has drawn up an annual report on the coverage of French territory by cash dispensers

3. Guaranteeing the quality of cash in circulation across France by limiting the flow of counterfeits and controlling the activities of those involved in the industry

4. Guaranteeing the robustness and resilience of the industry in the event of a serious natural, political or financial crisis

5. Ensuring the efficiency of the cash industry by limiting the rise in the unit cost of cash management, which is linked to the fall in the volumes processed in a fixed-cost industry, but also by reducing the environmental footprint of the banknote life cycle

National strategy for cashless payment instruments

As a successor to the CNPS, the CNMP is committed to continuing the work initiatied by the CNPS, and in particular the national strategy for cashless payment instruments for the period 2019-24, which aims to respond to current challenges in terms of:

1. security, due to the proliferation of innovative but sometimes immature technologies

2. independence vis-à-vis new players – such as GAFA and BATX – which are increasingly involved in the payments market

3. convergence, given the risks of fragmentation of the post-SEPA European market due to the emergence of non-harmonised solutions

The 2019-24 strategy is the result of a broad consultation process coordinated by the CNPS and involving all market players. The full document has been published in French (February 2019) and English (March 2019).

Working groups

Four working groups are responsible for conducting the CNMP’s work on its strategic priorities:

  • WGA: European integration
  • WGB: Modernisation of payments by businesses
  • WGC: Innovative everyday uses
  • WGD: Continued access to cash

The working groups meet regularly to monitor the implementation of the CNMP’s roadmap and to launch appropriate actions where necessary. Their composition is determined by inviting applications from members of the Plenary CNMP and associated partners. The leadership of each group is entrusted to two organisations, with the support of the CNMP’s Secretariat (provided jointly by the Banque de France and the French Treasury).

Discover more on the working groups

Further information

Analysis of dependencies in the French payments market

View document

Summary of uses and obstacles to the deployment of instant credit transfers in France

View document

GT2 - Summary of synergies

View document

Charter on the accessibility of payment services for people with disabilities

View document

Analysis of dependencies in the French payments market

Outils statistique

Summary of uses and obstacles to the deployment of instant credit transfers in France

Outils statistique

GT2 - Summary of synergies

Outils statistique

Charter on the accessibility of payment services for people with disabilities

Outils statistique

Updated on 18 January 2024